Thursday, June 23, 2011

Horse Natural Products

Swedish Horse Power
has developed all natural products, through years of clinical studies, the process of hair analysis, has aided, in their development.

Horses are a grazing animal, and by its' nature, dependent on herbs with high nutritition. Since ancient times the horse has migrated over large areas,  in search of suitable grazing areas. Natural instincts led the native horse to the proper grazing areas, where they could find the necessary herbs, that were important to their health. Today, the grazing areas are often fenced in, and lack the combination of needed herbs, for proper feeding. Regardless of how well the horse's instincts are developed, the horse cannot find the needed nutrition. A grazing horse spends about 15- 18 hours per day, eating.

Since the horse can no longer naturally find most of these herbs, these all natural supplements, are the perfect alternative, to his well being, and enables your horse to live a healthy, long life.

The basic philosophy behind the treatment with our products is to locate the cause of the different symptoms in a horse. These symptoms, are very often caused, by an accumulation of waste products, and toxins, in the detoxifying organs, large intestine, kidney's and lungs, and the skin.

Our products help to detoxify the horses system, and aid in the horse's own healing process.

We recommend that a horse of about 1,200 lbs. should eat 18-22 lbs. of good quality hay divided into four feedings. It should be offered in the same manner as when it grazes. If the horse is on good pasture, 24 hours a day, the amount of hay, can be cut out entirely or divided,  into 2 feedings per day. We also recommend whole oats, approximately 7-10 lbs. per day, divided into at least two feedings, more or less depending upon the work load, and over all condition of the horse, since they are all individuals, that must be taken into consideration, for some easy keepers, 2 lbs. per feeding may be enough, horses also need sugar to maintain healthy bacterial flora in the guts. Sugar beet pulp, (soaked, in plenty of fresh clean water), contains much energy, this sugar based food, is suitable as an energy complement, Molasses, also posses much energy, and can be given for replenishment of needed energy, and the horse must have ample access to plenty of fresh clean water.

This type of feeding schedule helps your horse maintain it's natural, healthy, way of life, when processed foods are given, many of the nutrients, are actually depleted, leaving the manufacturers, no other choice, but to add certain vitamins and minerals, before it is processed.

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