Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ligamin (part 2)

The Hoof

The hoof is stable, elastic and very resistant andfor the horse, an important tactile organ.

Three layers of horn, the toplayer, the ground border of thewall and the insensitive laminaeform the hoof.

These three layers are intimately connected andform a unit, ”the wall”. Inside the horn the hoofmeat is contained. The corium produces or secreteskeratin and forms the horn.

The hoofs have a rich blood circulation and inthe deeper parts of the hoof the pedal and navicularbones are located.

The deep digital flexor tendon is attached to thelower side of the pedal bone. The navicularbursa lies between the navicular bone and thedeep digital flexor tendon.

The bottom of the hoof consists of the sole andfrog. The sole is concave towardsthe frog and is made of softerhorn than the wall of the hoof.

The frog consists more of elastickeratin than the sole or wall of thehoof does.

The mechanism of the hoof is themotion generated in the hoofwhile exposed to pressure or concussion.

Functional irregularities

Decreased blood circulation in the muscles ofthe shoulders and hindquarters affectjahablood circulation all the way down into thehoof.

If there is bad circulation inthe hoof they will be dryfrom the inside. It will be abase for cracks.Through the extreme pressurethe hoof is exposed to,during trotting or galloping,the position of the hoofmust be correct.

When allowed to grow too long, the hoof islikely to receive a hoofcrack. A hoof crack is notnormal; it is the result ofneglect.

Laminitis hoof is a commonexpression for anovergrown hoof. This iswhy it receives so called laminitis-ringsthough these can also appear on a badlytrimmed hoof. Fodder poisoning can causelaminitis and if the horse is given very coldwater it can cause laminitis.

Ligamin and PC #4 are fodder supplements.It contains mineralsWhentrottingthe hoofwill hitthegroundwith animpact ofapprox.3,000 lbsor more.

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